Lay associates
Associates are men and women who together with a group of sisters share in the many different ways, the spirituality and mission of the Sisters of St Joseph of the Apparition.
There are about twenty groups that meet regularly to share the Word of God and reflect on its impact in their everyday lives. for the Lay Associate, St Emilie is a dependable guide. The members study her life and her spirituality and this helps them to feel one with her fundamental insights to the Christian life.
This reflection and prayer has led many of the lay associates to commit themselves to various specific projects, for some at the side of the Sisters in their apostolate, for others in reaching out to the poor and the marginalized. There is a feeling that they all form part of a big family, so big that the members do not actually know everyone in it, but that all are living a recognizably similar Christian commitment, although their lives have different forms and different modalities. It is important that the diversity and the pluralism is respected.
Today’s technology enables all members to create links to help communication with one another. These links weave a network among all the members coming from different parts of the globe.