For a sister of St Joseph nursing is viewed as a vocation of service, incorporating a clearly accepted element of ministry to those for whom the nurse cares. A nurse’s mission is considered to be driven by altruism and empathy for the sick as well as for the members of their family. The care given is envisioned as commissioned and supported by God.
I was sick and you took care of me …. I tell you just as you did it to one of the least of these …. you did it to me. Mt 25:35-40
St Emilie de Vialar places the accent on the love of Jesus for humanity, and blood is the sign. Jesus accepted to shed his blood and to die. We must enter this movement of love proved by acts by working in hospitals, in community, with the elderly in nursing homes and by reaching out to the poor and less fortunate. She says: Only one response was possible:
To love them and devote herself to the works of Charity
……… and this Emilie did wholeheartedly.